Monday, December 28, 2009

Week 1 day 1 - Core Synergistics

hmmm what can I say about Core Synergistics...ouch!!!! So far I can't do pushups let alone do them with any sort of grace so that hampered my efforts with this work out big time. I didn't sweat like I thought I would but that was mainly because I could only do a couple of each exercise and some none at all. So I did a lot of watching and moving around this time...but that's okay I know that eventually I will have enough strength to at least get half way through each segment.

So todays looked like this:

warm up no problem...same as cool down

stacked foot/staggered hand push ups - 0
banana roll - got 2 done...really kind of liked this one but it really works
leaning crescent lunges - 14 out of 24
squat run - 45 seconds out of 60
sphinx push up - 2 and I'm sure they weren't pretty or proper
bow to boat - liked this one too got 2.5 out of 5 LOL so hard
low lateral skates - 10 out of 20
lunge and reach - got about half way through tougher than I expected (just tiring)
break - nailed it LOL
prison cell push up - 1 sort of....I'd never make it in prison
side hip raise - 2 each side supposed to do 30-40 yeah right
squat x-press - like about half way through
plank to chaturanga - did the knees couldn't do the push up thing...15 seconds out of 60
walking push up - 15 seconds or 1 rep
superman banana - loved it got about half way through
lunge kickback curl press - no weight about 1/4 of the coordination is usually good but I was distracted by my daughter at this point and lost focus for a minute or two
towel hoppers - so simple but so tired by this point - 30 seconds out of 60
ballistic stretch - nailed that too
reach high and under push ups - didn't do the push up and did one of the high and under on each side....damn that's hard but I liked it.
steam engine - managed to do about 45 seconds and gasped for air while watching them do it faster
Dreya Roll - someone needs to tell that chick she's crazy!!!! crazy fit and I'm sooo not (yet)...tried it pretty much managed to fall to floor rolled back and stayed there...there was no raising of feet let alone swinging back and jumping up to my feet again....ummmm that will be a while.
Bonus round - nailed the fast forwarding on the remote for that as well
cool down and stretch - my favourite part :)

I came upstairs and looked at the time and was so happy it was only 9:30 and I was done that for the day...although I was a little disappointed I wasn't sweating or feeling it much. However, the feeling it part has's less than 2 hours later and my lower back is telling me off and it's cursing like a sailor. I can safely say that my abs are strong and that's probably why I'm not feeling them much but those back muscles that mirror those abs are very weak and are telling me that I worked them harder than I realized. Interesting how it sneaks up on you like that.

Well I'm off to clean up my house...took all the toys out of the boxes from Christmas and now I need to cut them all down and tie them up for the recycling guys...that and I just can't look at it in my hallway anymore.

until that will be Cardio-X (I fully expect a full on drenching of sweat for that one).


  1. Okay, I loved that post! So, here's something you may want to consider...when you can't do the push-ups, go to your knees, and then go low with your arms. That way you're still getting a good workout for your chest/back/arms. You WILL get stronger, trust me. When I started out on this one, I could only do very few. This LAST Core, I did 15 staggered hands/stacked foot push-ups, (5, switch, 5, switch, 5). You WILL see improvements, trust me. What you cannot do now, modify so you are doing something. And guess what?? You WILL sweat up a storm with Cardio X! Hey, just wait til you do That's going to be fun. ;o)
    Great job!

  2. I'm nervous about Plyo LOL
