Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 2 - Kenpo with Kevin

58 minutes of Kenpo. I friggen love that workout. It was pretty hard this time but that was only because I just haven't been doing anything physical until yesterday. Amazing how fast our bodies get used to lethargy.

Tonight's workout was awesome. Mainly because I got to work out with Kevin. He's been pretty reluctant about trying P90X and we aren't doing the program per se...it's more select videos when we want. I thought he'd like Kenpo and I think I was right although there was quite a bit of laughing going on as we were running out of energy. I'm sure he'll blog about it.

So tomorrow is back to the treadmill.


  1. Good girl!! I wish Eugene would work out with me! He's a "DUDD" in that department! What's Kevin's blog? I'd love to follow him too? I didn't get one in yesterday...and today is looking bleak...but never say never! The bullshit with the fire is taking lots of energy and time! Oh well...I'm still being VERY strict with my food intake so I don't put any weight back on!!!

  2. I'm lucky to have him :)

    You can do it no problem...just when you take a breather...take it outside and walk or march on the spot or do Ab RipperX again...only takes 18 minutes and that bikini will love your abs

    Kevin's is:


  3. I miss Kenpo! I'm rebooting P90X on Monday...AGAIN! But this time I mean business!

    Proud of you two ladies!
