Monday, March 15, 2010


It's a new week!!! I ate really bad on the weekend and if I'm being honest in between meals last week as well! Today is all about concentrating on eating clean. It's about eating to survive not surviving to eat. I will get back to working out but I really need to focus on my food right now!!! Tomorrow I will add in some fitness but it will be something fun that I will enjoy maybe a walk with my hubby that sort of thing...but I just can't commit to P90X right now and give it my all. I need to clean up my act before I can concentrate on working out.

I’d like to lose 2 lbs a week that would mean by my 5K in June I’d be 20 lbs lighter. I know the scale isn’t everything blah blah blah…but if I’m doing what I’m supposed to then it should be dropping and dropping good. I’ve had enough of this stand still…I really really want to be lighter. 200 lbs is not a healthy weight. I want to be healthy.

So with all that being said...I've had a ton of water so far today and fruit and yogurt and have a yummy healthy lunch waiting to be eaten.


  1. i will be honest...the p90X is very discouraging for ppl to start with...for me it is the only thing that kicked me in the ass to do something....he also has some fantastic other workouts that i mix up with once in a while....
    *10 minute trainer (don't let the 10 minutes fool u....u will sweat like crazy)
    *p90 system (it is what came out before the p90X....a lower impact approx 30 minute one)

    of course u should be happy, however i truly believe to experience a lifestyle change, it all has to happen...not only with food in moderation but the workouts cannot fail as well....for me i pin one against the other....if i have a bad weekend food wise (which happens alot) motivates me to workout even harder

  2. thanks Rhonda...I know that it's the balancing act that will get me there...I just really need to get one in place before I can psychologically kick the other into high gear. Although going through my house and organizing it and getting old projects out of the way has really made me feel in control and that helps. When my house is messy (I'm not talking unvacuumed but piles and piles of stuff crammed into a room no one sees) then I feel so out of control in all areas...but now that we are getting things in check around the house I really feel like I can handle anything :) And the scale was kind this morning so the eating clean yesterday was a good thing :)

  3. You've got this. It's all a matter of knowing you CAN do it! Believe in yourself. You are a priority. Decluttering is important too..goes to a fresh state of mind. It WILL come together. Just relax about it. Do what you know you should, but have fun doing it. It WILL happen!

  4. I'm so proud of you Pammy! I KNOW you will do it...after meeting just sealed that for me! I love that us 3 Amigos are in it together! I promise to get myself going next week! Using this week to sleep and get my head out of my funk! Reading blogs seems to be helping!
