Tuesday, February 16, 2010

another few down

Well I haven't been walking or working out at all...just concentrating on eating these last few days and wow! I keep dropping a little each day. And a little each day makes for a nice week!

I do however need to get back on the treadmill! It's important for my overall well being. If in another month I find that working out isn't helping the weight loss just yet then I'll take another break and just concentrate on eating clean alone. Then when I'm fairly close to goal I'll add my exercise back in. I always feel like walking is okay anytime. For now I'm concentrating on just moving forward. I'd really like to go out with my daughter when the nice weather arrives and enjoy bike rides and walks and just generally playing outside with her. I keep talking about being a better role model for her and the best way to do that is to simply be outside with her. The rest will come on it's own. But if we are an active family then she will benefit from that more than anything!

She sees me using the treadmill and even joins in for workouts when I'm doing P90X (not in the last little while obviously as I haven't done it) and I love that she loves fitness. Yes it's about her...but right now it's about me! I'm just rambling now...LOL

Talk to ya later...when I get a walk in or something :)


  1. You just do what's right for you!!! Love that you're losing! I haven't worked out either lately...but dropping the lbs just by perfect eating!!! I love it!!!

  2. remember u do have to train your body into working out....u already have trained to eat, so now u r just eating smart.....eventually working out will become second nature, and u WILL MISS IT!!!!....and if someone said that to me last year, i would have laughed in their face...now almost 10 months later, and i finally get it....i feel the difference the days i do nothing....keep it up!

  3. Way to go Spunky. You are creating habits that your daughter will see, and will take with her as she grows up. You should be very proud of that. And you're right, seeing active parents is essential for her because as she gets older, she'll need fitness for her self esteem and confidence. Emily is the same way. She's having difficulties with her leg which keeps her fairly inactive, but she does 100 crunches before bed all on her own, and asks if she can do P90X when her leg gets better. It keeps it alive in their minds. My parents were inactive. I had to learn it all on my own. And Rhonda is right, you will learn to LOVE it and MISS IT!
    Clean eating IS essential. I'm so proud of you!! Onderland is inching closer and closer...eeeeeee! *squealing* LOL
