Tuesday, February 9, 2010

improved my time

Well this morning I walked/ran 5K (I ran 3 times for 2 minutes each time) my heart rate is getting much better. And I shaved 49 seconds off my time. 39:31 woohoo. I really want to get it down to under 30 minutes but if it takes doing it 49 seconds at a time I'll do that.

I know I have such high expectations for myself. But I thought of this the other day when someone at work gave me that look of you'll never be ready for a 5K (don't worry I'll show them).

If I didn't set such high goals for myself then they wouldn't be goals...they just be something I can do. Goals are great because they force you to strive for more than what you can already do. I KNOW I can walk 5K I know I could walk a marathon (I've walked for 12 hours straight...well with potty breaks) I know I can walk and walk and walk. It's running that I've always had problems with so for me to even be able to do 2 minutes right now is huge. And it made me feel so good that I did 2 minutes 3 times and I can feel that soon I'll be able to go with shorter walking distances between those sprints. That makes me feel confident that by the time I run my 5K I'll be running more than walking or at least even between the two...which I can totally accept. What I'm keeping in mind is always striving for my personal best. and if I'm too slow at my 5K I'm totally okay with the others running ahead...I know they'll be at the finish line to cheer me on when I get there :) I'm starting to love this. I can see an obsession in my near future :)


  1. Good for you!!! I am so proud of you and what you're accomplishing!!! Can't wait to jog alongside you!!!

  2. I'm so proud of you too Spunky. And I'm shorter than you so your strides are longer...same with Jacqui. And your walking time is awesome. I have a feeling we'll all be on an even keel...maybe you'll even be waiting on me!
    Like Tony says "do your best, forget the rest" so who cares what people at the office say! I say reach for the stars, baby!

  3. Thanks guys...I am going to reach for the stars. I haven't used the treadmill since then...but I'm hoping to get on there today sometime. Just have to get Becca to a bday party and back and then I'm hoping to get back to it.
