Monday, April 26, 2010

1 week to baseball.

Well it's only 1 week until Baseball starts...and our first night is a double header!!!! I'm so excited and nervous. Kevin and I have been tossing the ball around a bit in preperation...but I haven't done any sprinting so here's hoping I kill the ball so I have time to run the bases :) Tonight we won't have much time to play as we are going to a friend's house to meet their baby. So when I get home hopefully I'll have enough energy to hit the treadmill for a few minutes...try doing some sprinting and see how I do.

Either way I'm not worried...our team seems to be a pretty laid back group. I'm just going to have some fun and enjoy the fitness side of it. I will push myself don't get me wrong. I will try to improve over the season and be the best player I can be no matter how the team places. I'm not a star player yet but I'd like to be :) I'll work my way there...there's always room for improvement and I'd like to make that room a lot smaller :)

Weight loss has kind of stalled out the last 2 weeks...completely my fault...or lack of determination might be a better way to say it. I didn't really have the drive and we ate out alot in the last two weeks...and a lot of popcorn. Time to focus yet again I know broken record. But it will be alot of broken record until I get to where I want to be so suck it up butter cup ;)

I think I need to incorporate my lunches into my fitness routine as well. I go to the lake but end up reading instead of walking. So far it's been because it's chilly down there...but I can bring my running shoes and a warm coat and just do it!!! starting the sandals on today.


  1. Hey there girl. Sorry for sort of leaving you hanging. Been dealing with life, and I finally have my house back, no more visitors for a while.
    So....I took my cue from you and asked Greg if he wanted to join a co-ed softball team. AHhh...My brother and his wife are doing that in their town too...Greg said he's like now we have to figure out how to do that. Kind of excited, kind of nervous.

    Listen. Enjoy life. Be positive, eat healthy, drink your water. The weight will come off as all the joy you're having playing baseball and being active makes your body realise it wants to be thin, and you're happier for it.

  2. glad to hear you are back at it again. It was lonely there for a while. Both my girls in limbo...and me teetering on the edge. I was in limbo and still sort of am but I'm not stressing over it. I just had two really bad weekends just nutritionally they were crap...I can't even say I was bad...I just mean my body was starving for good whole foods and I was feeding it crap!!!!!! It's just really hard to get out of that cycle again...night snacking has been getting the better of me. I think I need to cut out popcorn altogether...because I'm not just having popcorn I'm having it with ketchup shaker's on it...loaded with sodium and who knows what other chemicals...and topping it off with diet soda...just crappy. Been reading the gabriel method and did a Smart mode session at the lake on my lunch and it was awesome...came back totally positive...I think I need to do more of those...really made a difference in my work day too.

    I'll see if Kevin can find a league in your area...he's great at that stuff.

    Check in more eh...I've missed you.
