Wednesday, April 7, 2010

X Stretch is Xcellent

I friggen love X Stretch. Well Sunday and Monday were fun but hard on the body so I decided to do X Stretch last night. Becca and I did it together and it felt so nice. Becca sort of does it. I know she can but she gives up...I told her the more you do it the better you'll get at it. She'll get there. I did so much more than I could before amazing what a few lost pounds can do. I even did the leg raise to's tough to breathe but I managed it. Kevin was using the treadmill and watching us and he said that he can see a difference in my back and in general from behind me :) I love it.

I know I've been losing inches and my clothes are getting looser but it was nice to have him specifically notice different areas. Now I just can't wait to lose the gut LOL. The baby pouch is shrinking but between the belly button and the boobs is still almost the same as whem I started. It's weird because it's usually the last place I gain and first to lose. This is so different then the other times I've lost weight. Normally my legs don't do a thing and my upper body shrinks fast...hey maybe this means I won't lose my boobs this time LOL...not much to lose so I'd kinda like to keep what little I have LOL. Oh well they're just boobs...sorry hun.

I've been worrying about my friend Jacqui lately. She's had a tough time and almost fell off the map here. She tried and we pulled her back but I wasn't convinced that she was back on course. Just not as into things as she was. But I've noticed the last few days that she's sounding a little cheerier than she did so I've decided she's on the mend. Things are slowly getting better and I can't wait for that break through she will will come soon. I think she's at that point where she's going to dust herself off and just go for it again. I'm hoping anyway. I've been missing her blogs and texts and just the general inspiration she gives me. Funny how we've only met once but she's made such an impact on my life. Honestly between Lisa and Jacqui and Kevin of course I couldn't have a better support system. They just keep me going.

OKay enough for now :)


  1. XOXO

    I LOVE X-Stretch! Gonna start that too.
    And you're just as supportive and inspiring, young lady. Pitz and I are fortunate to have met u too. The 3 Amigettes, :o)

  2. Back at ya baby!! I sure do love you...both of you! Special place in my heart for you! Yes...I'm on the mend...really just too busy to blog! I have sooooo much to do before my holiday (much needed I'm afraid)...but I've got the mind set that once I get out...I'm on a 12 week agenda...both with my business and myself! The two are gonna grown hand in hand! Actually...hoping I shrink...not grow!! LOL! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your continual support and love!

    xoxo The 3 Amigos!1
