Monday, April 5, 2010

sore back but feels good

Okay so this weekend my food choices weren't the best. We ate at restaurants alot and even though I made good choices there it was loaded with sodium, etc. The bad choices came with the amount of chocolate I consumed. I just wanted all that easter stuff so I had it. But I got it out of my system... not literally...I mean the cravings are gone now.

I listened to The Gabriel Method last night and I woke up this morning feeling great. I was packing my lunch to take to work and thought I'll just put some of Becca's chocolate in my bag to snack on. And in the same breath or thought I just decided I didn't WANT it. I didn't need it and I didn't want it...that's huge. SO it's at home waiting for Becca to enjoy it. And it will stay there. I really feel the determination in my thoughts today and I love that. Usually when I feel this way it lasts for a good while...and I have to say I haven't truly felt this determined since I lost 50 lbs after having Becca 7.5 years ago. So here's to good things :)

As for my back was Kevin's bday yesterday and he decided for his bday he wanted to go to the batting cages. We went to Pickering Playing fields and he did two rounds in the cage and I did 1. It was soooo much fun! I haven't hit a ball in years and it was amazing. I hit 23 out of 24 and not all of them were pretty but it gave me an urge to play more. I want to join a league. Not this year but next year. I'm afraid of the ball when it comes to catching and my throwing isn't the best so Kevin said he'll work on all of that with me oh and the sprinting of course. He's going to work on it with me this summer and it'll be fun to play as a family then. And when I feel comfortable with it then I will sign up for next summer :) I love it. I've never done an organized sport before...I always just played baseball with my family in the this is awesome for me.

After the batting cages we went and played mini putt which was also fun (I won ;) )

This morning I woke up wondering why my side and back were so sore...and I realized it's because it's not muscles I usually use...I don't normally swing a bat around LOL but it feels good. A little tender but liveable. And I look forward to going again...and soon!!!


  1. That's so awesome! You and your family are gonna get so frickin healthy together...and that's quite the accomplishment! Way to go...and keep up the GREAT work!!!

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun! :o)
    Love the determination.
