Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wii Fit

Becca and I have been waking up a little bit earlier and playing Wii Fit together. She loves it and so do I really. We each do our body test and then play a game or two...she varies I tend to go for either step or hula hoop. I updated her height and it changed her BMI so much that instead of being in the "at risk of overweight" category she is now well within the "normal healthy" range YAY!!! She was concerned because we had set it to maintain her weight and because the BMI changed it said she was deviating from her goal but I told her not to worry about it...she's perfect just the way she is and we just need to readjust her goal again. I don't want her to think about that stuff too point in making the scale a big thing for her because it's not...she's perfect no matter what. But it felt so good to me to know that she was in the healthy range rather than at risk no parent wants to hear their child is at risk even if it is from a game that is set with insanely low weight limits. It doesn't take into account anything but weight and height so I take it with a grain of salt. It says our friend is overweight and he is super skinny but because he's just a bit heavier than what they say is normal...whatever...I'm blabbing on again. The good news is that Becca is doing great and loving the morning exercise and so am I.

It said I was down as well...and I'm pretty sure it has everything to do with just plain old having fun. I've been reading the Gabriel Method like I mentioned and it keeps talking about training your brain to think skinny...I've been eating worse than I was but my weight is going down and I'm sure it's everything to do with just having fun with my family and being in a good place psychologically. I don't need to be fat because life is body doesn't need to protect me anymore by being fat. My body is listening to me :) YAY!

Oh and personal victory today...I put on a pair of capris that were way too tight last fact I bought them in the summer and they ended up too tight way too quickly...but I put them on today and they are baggy!!!! This is huge...1. because I was hoping they would fit and wasn't expecting them to not last much longer because they are going to be too lose and 2. because they are stretchy so they were REALLY REALLY tight last summer and to have them loose when they are stretchy material means that I really am that much smaller.

Today I'm going to the lake not sure if it will be reading or walking...depends on if it's windy and how I feel. I enjoyed sitting there reading in my car with the sun and heat beaming down on me. But if it's nice enough I think a walk might be in order for today :)


  1. You rock woman!! I'm on my way to the Dominican...when I get back...let's just say the 3rd Amigo will be back in full force!! ) xo

  2. oh yay!!! I wasn't sure if you'd left already or not!!!! Have a great time...enjoy and RELAX!!! I can't wait for you to get back...I've missed talking to you.

    Have a blast xoxo

  3. Spunky, I LOVE your attitude, hence the nickname...suits you soooo well.

    I totally agree with the whole philosophy of JG's. Totally having fun and destressing out over weight is totally the way to go. Like for sure, ha. Sound like a valley girl...totally grody to the max. :oP

    Pitz, have a blast in the Dominican. You brat! :oP
