Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Baseball and new beginnings

Well I did it. I played my first game of baseball last night and it felt awesome!!!! We only got to play the one game out of our double header as the town forgot to turn on the main breaker for the lights at the park so they had someone come out and turn them on BUT by that time it was too late to start our game as there was another game for 9:30 behind us so we had our game postponed. But I had soooo much fun playing. I didn't get on base (2 hits but they got the ball to first before I got there and the second one they caught on the fly). But I hit and that felt great. Our team lost 16-0 but that's okay...we had fun and that's all that matters.

Okay now to fess up!!!! I can't be bothered to write it all again so I'm copying and pasting from an email to Kevin earlier :)...the fessing up is #6

A couple things happened this morning that kind of gave me some new resolve…I know I have a long way to go still when it comes to beating this but I’ll get there.

1. I watched the video and looked at the pics from last night (me playing baseball)…didn’t look too bad but not happy with how much better I could be if I just focused on this weight loss
2. Our conversation (he wants me to ask for help as do Jacqui and Lisa...I have the support I should use it)
3. had a lot of water
4. read the comments on my blog
5. read the comments on WLW on the board that I had posted to yesterday so many people felt the same way and reading the responses was so encouraging
6. then I commented on my day yesterday on that board…I was determined not to buy anything yesterday (this is me telling you) I went to the lake to eat and then go for a walk…I got down there and bug’s swarmed the car…anyone walking along the path was swatting and spitting the bugs out all along the path so I did up the windows and thought I’ll eat my lunch in here and see if they go away…only to find out that my dressing seemed off or maybe my tastebuds were…not sure…ended up going to the store and getting a wrap and TWO chocolate bars…downed it so fast and wanted more…but instead of finding an excuse to leave and go to the store (I was at my desk at this point) I decided to eat my orange and surprisingly that cured the craving…apparently my body WAS starving but for nutrients not crap…once I had the orange and the cravings were gone I drank a ton of water and then well you know the rest…baseball, dinner, etc…but writing about it on the board today made me really realize how powerful that orange was…I didn’t even want it…I wanted more crap but I made myself eat it and it really was what my body wanted but my brain was trying to take over. But that helped me to really feel strong today.

So after all that I went for lunch and I knew I had to go to the store to pick up stuff for dinner tonight...and I DID IT...I didn't cave. I was so strong and thought about a couple of things as I passed them but then thought nope I'm good...so I picked up a flavoured water instead...I also save my orange from lunch for this afternoon when I get a little peckish :) Need to buy more fruit.


  1. WOW, awesome for you!
    It's that Gabriel method thing. Feed your body what it wants FIRST and it won't want the other crap. Your brain just thinks it does because it needs the nutrients. Proud of you for doing that. :oD

    You've got this Pam. Trust yourself!

  2. thanks sweetie. I say you have time to read my blog you have time to blog yourself :) even if it's just a little blurb...we were more on track when we blogged regularly.

  3. Yay...so proud of you! Yuppers...I'm a believer in the Gabriel Method! Getting back into listening to it myself at night! Focusing on eating more fruits, veggies, and white meats! Gotta get back into things...we've got goals, plans...and things to do ladies...so lets stop talking about it and JUST DO IT!!!

    You rock Pammy! xo
