Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 2 - so tired but it's good

I can't stop yawning today! I had so much trouble getting out of bed. Seriously the last few weeks have been like that I just can't seem to get enough sleep. I don't know why! But I'm listening to my body as best I can...I mean I havn't gone to bed early as I'm addicted to my TV shows but finale's are coming up and it will be done soon yay!!! Tonight is BL and I'm all excited it's crunch time for them. My plan for tonight is to take Becca to Jazz, have a healthy dinner, get Becca ready for bed (bath, reading, etc) then do the Wii Fit while I watch BL likely the stepping exercises as I can do that while watching and it's fun. Kevin will be doing the treadmill tonight for sure!!!!! Right Kevin?!?! Last night we got home and Kev was supposed to do the treadmill while I got Becca ready for bed...only to open the door and find garbage all over the house. Yep our dog is pretty good and he doesn't tend to go for the garbage but there was some tin foil that fish had been grilled in that was just TOO appealing for him to resist. Now it wasn't in the garbage can in the kitchen...nope I had put it in a big garbage bag and put it in the laundry room to go outside the next time we went (only we forgot as we left for baseball oops) well he dragged it through the house all the way to the family room in the back of the house...so from the laundry room through the hallway, past the kitchen, into the living room was a trail of garbage...So Kevin's workout last night was picking up the trash, vacuuming, and then mopping the floors which he had just done on Saturday morning...what a good hubby he is. My floors are gleaming :)

Let's see here's the check list
1. journalling - check
2. baseball - of course
3. P90X - still not yet
4. water - check
5. no soda...dropped the ball yet again...but none today!!!!!
6. lactose free - sadly ice cream is in the house
7. blog - check
8. honest and kind to me - I will be today
9. Gabriel Method - every night although Kevin informed me last night that it's annoying so it looks like I'm back to listening to it on my I-Pod rather than the stereo at night.

Today is still fairly cool and I don't have time to walk at lunch as it's allergy needle day and it's supposed to rain the rest of the week (SUCKS LARGE). I've really been enjoying my lunch time walks.

I feel pretty good right now. I feel strong and yes I know my scale is still up but so be it. It will come back down when it's ready.

Back to my water I go :)


  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOVVVEEE your new attitude! That's awesome that Kevin took care of the clean up for you! That's just as good a workout as the treadmill...so he's off the hook in my books! But he better get his ass up on theere tonight! LOL Sounds like you're doing great...and I'm so excited and proud of you! Keep it up chicky-poo!

  2. He's awesome that way. And he was off the hook last night as far as I was concerned as well...but tonight I'm kicking his butt downstairs to get in a good workout.

    thanks hun I think we've all found that resolve we needed to just do it again.

  3. I would have KILLED the dog! YUCK! And major kudos to Kevin for cleaning up. Way to go man! Yep, off the hook for sure.

    And just because there is icecream in the house does NOT mean you have to eat it, mmhmm!

    And I'm proud of you two, you ladies are in a good spot, and I know this time will stick, because you are determined. LOVING the energy!

