Friday, May 28, 2010

where'd my motivation go

Seriously....again?!?! What is this! I'm so frustrated with myself. I'm not eating bad but I'm just not motivated. It's like the end is so far away that I'm just disheartened. I know the drill set mini goals do things you enjoy, blah blah blah...but it's such a roller coaster. highs and lows...I feel like in the world of weight loss I'm bi-polar! I go from pure energy and let's kick ass to the next day woe is me and I'll never get there. urg!

That's all I have to say...just needed to to drink more water!


  1. OMG!!! I LOVE THAT!!! I'm bi-polar too! I've given up this week! Eating and drinking llike shit cuz I SAY...we all know what that means...that I'm starting Monday! OMG!! I'm so sick of "STARTING" Monday! What's wrong with us? Is there something in the Canadian water? I've gained 26lbs back of the 40 I've lost!!!! How freakin scary is that! At this rate I should be over 200lbs again by the end of June!!!! We really gotta get going! What can we do baby?!

  2. well we can start right now instead of Monday! that's the first step...from there we figure it out as we go :)

  3. Where'd your motivation go?
    HERE I AM ...LOL :O)
    Had company all week, didn't feel good with bad headaches and then went away, But I"m baaack.

    And so will your motivation be. Dig down deep, and yank that sucker outta you. You've got all you need inside of you. Trust in yourself, be true to you, and do what you KNOW you need to, no questions asked.

