Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Missed two workouts!!!!

I missed yesterday because I took the time from my work out schedule to go to the walk-in. Yep I have a sinus infection.

Tonight I missed because I feel completely crappy still and I keep coming home from work with an awful headache each night!!! I know it's from the sinus thing but it's pissing me off royally!!!

I just want to get back into the swing of things...right now I feel like I'm failing. I mean my eating is good and all that but I just can't work out without my head feeling like it's going to explode...and when I can't work out I feel like a bit of a failure. I know I'm not but I can't help but feel like it.

I think I'm going to try going to bed early and hope it helps my body recoupe faster. Penicillan kick in already!!!!


  1. Hey listen. You ARE NOT a failure! Got it?! If you took this time when you feel crappy to sit around and eat crap, then I can see being disappointed. But you're sick. Deal with your body...let it get better, and then when you are, kill it with your workouts. That's all you can do. When you have an infection, you could actually make it worse by stressing the body out with recover! If I had an infection, my streak would have to get better first. THEN concentrate on everything else. Doctor Spitfires orders!

  2. LOL yes Doctor. LOL. Thank you for slapping me out of it :) I have a plan. I'm going to recoupe and if I feel up to it I'll do some of X Stretch but I will restart week 3 on Monday...I'm not going to restart the whole thing but I think redoing week 3 is a must. I just can't go on to week 4 without earning it.
