Thursday, January 7, 2010

week 2 day 3 - Shoulders and Arms

So I made a mistake day 2 was subbed with Stretch X for Cardio X which would have been a 100% no go for sure with how I was feeling.

Last night I almost didn't work would have been so easy to say oh well not tonight. Lately I've been working out and then Kevin was after me but I forgot with back to school to schedule in homework time. Becca has been exercising with me but obviously with homework it's impossible. So by the time homework and dinner were done it was bath and bedtime for Becca. Kevin wanted to work out and he uses the treadmill and likes to watch tv while he does that. So I grabbed my DVD's and bands and went upstairs to our room to work out. This actually worked out quite well...we both finished about the same time. If I hadn't of done that I either would have not worked out or had to wait until 10pm to work out...not happening. I finished at 10pm. I thought I would have problems sleeping but we watched TV for about and hour and then called it a night and I guess I'm still sick enough I just passed right out.

Right so Shoulders and Arms!!! I did less reps than last time but I felt my form was better this time like it was more of a work out. I know I'm pushing myself but I'm just not sweating. Normally I sweat just standing there (I hate it...I sweat like a boy) except when I'm doing strength training apparently. Cardio of course I do...but not in strength. hmmm. I've checked to make sure I'm doing it right. My form is spot on, my heart rate is in the zone or higher...go figure. Get dressed in a beautiful dress in the summer and I sweat like a out with an Xtreme program and nada.

So seeing as I'm writing this Thursday morning because I wanted to veg after my workout last night I will let you know I didn't get my Yoga in this morning...I even told Kev to wake me but that didn't happen. I know he tried but I was a grump and just can't seem to wake up in time for it...that and Yoga is 90 minutes so I was going to have to wake up at 5:20am. So I will have to find time to do this tonight! I was wanting to start on cleaning my home office but that will have to wait. Although doing Yoga before bed will be nice...I'll be super relaxed.

Short term goals (some fitness some not)

1. clean office and get organized (this weekend)
2. WAKE UP for morning exercises (I need to get this going so when I start my couch 2 5k I can do my P90X in the morning and c25k in the evening).

That's it...concentrate on those two things and then move on to another two goals. I like that. One for fitness and one for household/everyday life.

1 comment:

  1. Love the goals. I think I may borrow that for fitness, one for life. Thanx. :o)
