Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 3 day 3 - Arms and shoulders & Couch

Almost didn't get up this morning to do my P90X but now I'm glad I did as I am pumped!!!!! I've got couch tonight.

Yesterday I didn't have couch training so I did my P90X in the evening and I was wondering all day why I was so tired and just feeling blah and now I realize it could be because I worked out in the morning on Monday and today, and yesterday I didn't. Monday (which was supposed to be the most depressing day of the year according to the news) I was pumped and energized which is unusual for a Monday to begin with.

Yup apparently the 3rd Monday of January is the most depressing day of the year...highest suicide rate or something like that. It's a combination of the weather being so cold and grey for so long, getting credit card bills from Christmas, and having given up on your new year's resolution. So far so good for me...other than the weather I get those winter blues...but the bills are always like that and honestly this year my new year's resolution was to work on paying down my debt...and honestly I'm not giving up on that :) And I'm pretty sure exercising in the morning helped me too :)

I'll update my couch 2 5K training this evening after I complete it. 20 minutes of a racing heartbeat...woohoo LOL.


  1. You rock!!! I"m so proud of you! As much as I hate getting up at 4:15 every day, I do feel more energetic the entire day! I don't know how people do their workouts in the evening....I've had to do it a couple times, and hated it every time! Keep up the good work!

  2. thanks...I actually worked out again tonight but only for 20 minutes...but it's just so hard to have the drive in the evenings...there's always something that is more important to do and I always feel like I'm neglecting something or someone in the evenings. At least in the morning Kevin is gone to work and Becca is sleeping so it's me time.

  3. I have to say I have tried the waking up early and my body does not cooperate....there fore i either have to do it later afternoon after work or on days i go in later or not at all my absolute best times are around 9ish...those days i really try to push myself and do doubles

  4. my hat goes off to your energy pam....I wish we lived closer to do a get together...there is one girl who lives in Fenelon whom we try twice a month and do plyo together...but it is really hard when u get with other ppl who do not do it on a regular basis....i find it feels like it holds u back a bit....i know that i get a high off of a very energetic person....these blogs seem to be my therapy....keep it up girls...."DO YOUR BEST, AND FORGET THE REST"

  5. aw Rhonda that's sweet. I know...You guys live too far away!!! ;)
