Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Week 3 day 2 - Cardio X (forgot how much I loved it)

Wow take a week off and it seems like a whole new work out routine!! I forgot how much I love Cardio X. It's just plain old fun. It's so fast you don't realize the time...when it ended I was hoping for more. And the plyo part is so much fun...no sarcasm I'm being serious. I know that Plyo is really hard I've heard it from numerous people but the parts he puts in cardio X are quite enjoyable.

I was supposed to do this in the morning of course to keep with my schedule of getting up in the morning...but I didn't even hear the alarm this morning. When I woke up it was too late for anything. I had to rush to get Becca to school and me to work. Tomorrow I don't have that luxury...I have couch 2 5K tomorrow again so that means P90X Arms and Shoulder's in the AM.

Felt blah all day...must be the winter blues...it usually starts about now. I want spring...no....I NEED spring!!!

oh well off to watch BL!!! As my dear friend Lisa says...catch ya on the flip side!


  1. I hear ya!!! I took almost 6 weeks off, and this P90X is KILLING me this week! It's the kind of hurt that secretly makes me smile cuz I know that my body is "morphing" into a sexy biotch!!! Oh ya...yo heard me...I'm morphing into sexy...and so are you!!1 I get gitty thinking about meeting you in June...the three of us amigos are gonna have so much fun doing our run!!! Crap...just realized I'm missing BL!!!! Oh well...it's nighty night for me now...4:15am comes mighty early!!

  2. I love it...morphing into a sexy biotch LOL.
