Thursday, January 21, 2010

Week 3 day 4 - Yoga X...not happening

Well last night Becca was sleep walking again and somehow fell out of bed in the process and landed on her face and shoulder...she's okay I kept her home to go to the doctor (as she looked like cromagnum man) the doctor wanted me to keep an eye on her all day...she seems fine but he just wants to be sure that if there's a concussion that if anything changes I can get her to him right away...well she seems fine! Same old usual crazy girl LOL. But I'm pooped. It happened at midnight last night and I was worried about her collar bone but she fell asleep and so I relaxed at that point...until the morning when I saw the huge bump on her forehead. *sigh* kids = grey hair.

She's fine so now I feel like sleeping and that's what my body needs so...I'm sorry Yoga but sleep is more important right now. Tomorrow I have Legs and back in the morning and C25K in the evening so I need to have energy for then.

Night night all!


  1. kidding eh. Kids DO equal grey hair! I'm constantly worried about them. And of course, they keep getting sick, or hurt, or hurt AND sick...
    Glad she's doing ok, and happy that you listened to your body. Yoga can wait! That's my new philosophy. You'll do it, next week. I love that you're kickin butt and takin names! LOL

  2. I am kickin' butt :) At least on Saturdays when I do Kenpo :)

    My next blog will be about that struggle of sleep vs working out
