Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 4 day 2 - Core

Well I did another round of C25K this evening and after that noticed that my back felt...um...well tweaked...so upon discussion with Kevin I'm opting out of P90X for tonight. Tomorrow I have Kenpo yeah baby!!! Love that work out!

Oh yeah...on C25K today I set my workout lighter...Kevin mentioned that maybe instead of walking at 4.0 and running at 6.0 that I should bring it down a bit until my heart gets used to it. At the other levels I was off the charts with the first 90 seconds of running...so today I walked at 3.5 (felt so slow) and ran at 5.5 (I could have fast walked that...apparently I'm a whizz at walking...running is more complicated for me). Anyway my heart rate was high but still acceptable until the third sprint...so I'm going to say it was a good idea...I might not cover as much distance as I want in that time...but alas that will come with practice.

off to bed :)


  1. You go girl!!!! Love your spunk!!! I think your nickname should by spunky...or sparky...something like that!!

  2. Good decision, on both accounts.
    That's my new thing...listening to your body. I'm so proud of you! You're rocking EVERYTHING! What a woman! :o)

  3. Haha...Yep, I think we should christen her as "Spunky"! Fits so well, dontcha think?
    Spitfire, Pitbull, and Spunky! Love it!

  4. bwahaha you guys are awesome! Spunky. That's me baby.
