Friday, January 15, 2010

Registered for a 5K

Well I've done one of the things on my to do list for 2010. I signed up for a 5K. I'm so excited and sooooo nervous. I'm starting my training as of Monday. I signed up to run it so that's even more of a challenge for me. I know walking a 5K is a breeze. I've walked for 12 hours straight with only washroom I know I can do this. Running has never been a thing I could do. Or at least I've always told myself that. It was always I can't...which of course if you think it then you won't do it. This time it's an I can...and I'll be prepping for it big time. I'm going to LEARN how to run and I am going to do this 5K and I can just see myself getting addicted to it. The biggest thing for me is having my daughter see me be active and do physical things. I never once saw my parents participate in any challenges (other than raising kids)...they were never into team sports and so we were never enrolled in team sports. They weren't big on competition so we were raised to not compete. I don't want Becca to be a super athlete or anything but I want her to be athletic. To at least be able to hold her own when she's in school and they have track and field day. I was good at two things on track and field day...shot put and snack time. Oh once I got a 2nd place for triple jump but that was because it involves a skip in the middle and I could rock at hopping and's the jumping and running that were issues for me.

So today marks an important day in my life and an exciting one at that! I, me...Pam am going to RUN in a 5K...that's huge!!!

Okay enough rambling.

Before I publish this post I just have to say thank you to 3 people:

Spitfire (Lisa) Thank you so much for all of your encouragment and the suggestion to do this in the first place. Without you I don't think I would have done least not yet.

Pitbull (Jacqui) Thank you for being just as excited and pumped up about doing this. You; like Lisa, have really pushed me to take on something so challenging and have made me believe that I can do this.

Boomer ( hubby) Thank you for being so supportive and excited for me. Not many women have a husband so willing to be involved in this really is special.

So to my 3 supporters thank you so much this truly is a bonding let's BRING IT!


  1. so pam when and where is this run?

  2. Toronto High Park on June 5th...I'll send you the link later if you'd like
